

You’ve Been Asked to Preach. Now What?

As you explore God’s calling to ministry, you will find that others will recognize that call in you as well. (No surprise – the Spirit...

October 17, 2023
College + Young Leaders

The Power of Partnership

Partnership is at the heart of what we do as Arkansas Baptists. There is no greater evidence to that fact than what we experience each year in our Acts 1:8 “One Day” Missions Trip.  
October 17, 2023
College + Young Leaders

The harvest on our campuses

August and September are often associated with new beginnings. Fall is around the corner. Football kicks off. And a fresh school year...

October 9, 2023
Executive + Administrative

Arkansas Baptist Life | October 2023

Read the October edition of our newsletter, Arkansas Baptist Life.
October 2, 2023

Exploring a Call - Notes from a Sermon on Mark 1

Mark 1:14-20 ...

September 19, 2023

Summer Heat

Sun beat down on flat roofs in long Karachi summers. ...

July 25, 2023
College + Young Leaders

Necessity of Campus Ministry in Arkansas

As I prepare to retire from collegiate ministry and transition to being on church staff, I want to say that it has been a joy to serve within the ABSC (Arkansas Baptist State Convention) and alongside so many loving and giving churches. Having served with three different state conventions solely within the capacity of collegiate ministry for the past 33 years, I have learned a few things. Here are a few reminders and encouragements for churches when it comes to collegiate ministry.  
July 11, 2023
Executive + Administrative

Arkansas Baptist Life | July 2023

Read the July edition of our newsletter, Arkansas Baptist Life.
July 10, 2023
College + Young Leaders

BCM Students Mobilized to Share Gospel

In partnership with IMB missionaries  and Pastor  Nelson of Soma Community Church, the Pine Bluff Baptist Collegiate Ministry equipped and mobilized three recent graduates to go to Sao Paulo, Brazil for the purpose of encouraging Christians in Sao Paulo to “not grow weary of doing good (Gal. 6:9),” and to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, teaching them to obey and see people move from enemies of God to children of God (Ephesians 2:1-10). 
June 20, 2023
College + Young Leaders

My Calling

Part of the joy of working with college students is helping identify and disciple those feeling called to ministry! One of the best parts of my job is now seeing how our Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM) graduates pour out their lives for the Gospel across the world. Below, I share how God called me and hope it can help others follow Jesus in the same way.     
May 25, 2023
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