
A Typical Week as Pastor – Pastor Ronnie Deal

October 17, 2024

A Typical Week in My Life as a Pastor

First of all, I believe there are no typical weeks in the life of a pastor. It seems that every week is different. There are certain things I schedule and prioritize each week but there are many other things that just happen in the life of the church. Here a few of those things…funerals (obviously they are never scheduled and they require you to re-prioritize your schedule. Ministering to those who have lost loved ones takes priority over most things). Crisis happening with those in your church (hospital crisis, crisis that require immediate counseling, and leadership issues. These are very seldom scheduled and many times require immediate attention.)

My priorities that I do schedule during the week are…

*Date night with my wife

*Family night at home with my kids

*Sermon/Teaching preparation (I lead a men’s Bible Study and preach 3 times on Sunday am)

*Intentional Outreach (phone calls, texts, emails, personal visits)

*Staff Meetings…Worship Team, Ministerial Team, Administrative Team

I have always liked to be available to people who want to come by the office during the week and just visit. For me it’s important to communicate to them that I am available and value visiting with them. But there are times that my secretary will let them know that I am studying and not available at that time. I try and guard my study and preparation time each week. I also Text or Call every member of our church on their birthday. I have our membership list in my phone with their birthdays and personal information.

As I stated earlier, there is not typical week…But I love what I do and feel blessed to serve our church as its pastor.


Written by Ronnie Deal, Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church, Greenwood, Arkansas