Young Leaders Network
The Young Leaders Network builds community for leaders...
The Young Leaders Network builds community for leaders...
The Evangelism + Church Health Team is guided by four impact statements:
The Evangelism + Church Health Team serves existing Arkansas Baptists churches, seeking to gain greater levels of church health through quality events, trainings, and consultations that equip church leaders and members to evangelize the lost, participate in worship and small groups, and give generously to ministries and missions. This team also focuses on reaching next generation leaders with the Gospel. This is done by emphasizing children's ministry, youth ministry, and college and young adult ministry. Over 30 baptist Collegiate Ministries (BCM) across the state minister to students on the most strategic mission field in the world–college campuses. Events like Lead Defend, PraiseWorks, JoyWorks, and Super Summer also aim to disciple the next generation of Arkansas Baptists. All of this is done to strengthen Arkansas Baptist churches. Our greatest resource is our team. If you do not see what you need on the website please contact our team so we can take the time to serve you better.
Join us for our regional Explore Your Call meeting in your area! Together we will learn and hear from church staff and...
For now we live, if you stand firm in the Lord.
1 Thessalonians 3:8