The Cooperative Program
The Cooperative Program (CP) is the most powerful tool to help impact lostness with the spread of the Gospel in the modern era. When Arkansas Baptists gives to their church, the church gives a considerable portion of that gift to missions through CP. Those CP funds are invested in Arkansas missions, as well as national and global missions.

When Arkansas Baptists gives to their church, the church gives a considerable portion of that gift to missions through CP. Those CP funds are invested in Arkansas missions, as well as national and global missions. The Cooperative Program helps fund missions in Arkansas, including Arkansas Baptists agencies, disaster relief, and church planting. CP also helps fund U.S. and worldwide missions efforts through the North American Mission Board and International Mission Board. CP even supports theological education through the SBC seminaries and promotes biblical values through the Ethics and Civil Liberties Commission. The Cooperative Program is Southern Baptists’ unified plan of giving through cooperating Southern Baptist churches.

ABSC Explainer | CP Share

CP Explainer | CP Share

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