
Executive + Administrative

5 Ways to Encourage Giving in Your Church

If you are a pastor or church leader, it is very likely that you have read Malachi 3:10 or 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 before the offertory...

October 3, 2016
Executive + Administrative

Knowledge and Preparation Keep Your Ministry Safe

There has never been a time with more risk in ministry or a time when churches have been so far behind in their preparation. What you know can save your church and children from a tragic situation.
September 30, 2016
Church Planting

The Grind Podcast-Ep. 6

Dave & Chad interview Mark Cox, Lead Pastor/Church Planter at Access Church in Columbus, Ohio.
September 27, 2016
Executive + Administrative

Five Ways to Connect College Students to Missions

Five ways “out-of-state” Cooperative Program missions dollars connect Arkansas college students to the world.
September 16, 2016
Executive + Administrative

“It Was Hard, but It Was Worth It”

College students take the Gospel to thousands in southeast Asia through Cooperative Program-funded Nehemiah Teams.
September 16, 2016
Church Health

Are You Ready for “Big Church?”

This time of year often strikes fear in the lives of some parents. Promotion for some means attending “Big Church” together for the first time.
September 15, 2016

Arkansas Disaster Relief Sees God's Sovereignty over Louisiana Floods

In August 2016, rainfall in Louisiana—which totaled nearly two feet in some areas—resulted in flooding that impacted an estimated...

September 14, 2016
Church Planting

The Grind Podcast-Ep. 5

Dave & Chad interview Steven Bell, the Pastor/Church Planter at Otter Creek Community Church in Little Rock, Arkansas.
September 13, 2016
Church Health

Church Leaders Show Commitment to Next Generation

Over 400 Arkansas church leaders attended Generation Revitalization, or GenRev, in August to strengthen youth and children's ministries.
September 12, 2016
Executive + Administrative

5 Guidelines for a Successful Sabbatical

Too many ministers are running on empty. Burdened with almost unbelievable loads of duties, they are running out of both physical and spiritual gas.
September 9, 2016
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