Spring 2025 Connect Camp Registration Details
- Each group must have 1 adult chaperone for every 6 students
- Must have female adults for female students and male adults for male students
- No one younger than 6th grade allowed without prior approval from Travis McCormick
Everyone 18 and over must have a completed background check. **See information below:
Important Notice: In an effort to provide a safe environment for all ENGAGE participants and in accordance with the updated ABSC policy for events involving minors, we are asking each church to assume responsibility for screening all volunteers from the church by adhering to the following guidelines:
- All churches participating in ENGAGE are responsible for verifying that adult volunteers (18 and over) have undergone a criminal background check, training on sexual abuse awareness, and acknowledge that minor attendees (17 and under) have no known sexually predatory behaviors, deviances, or other sexually aggressive behaviors.
- This verification is included within the online registration. If you have any questions or if we can be of any assistance in providing information concerning criminal background checks, abuse awareness training, please contact our office at 1-800-838-2272, ext. 5102.
Important Notice: In an effort to provide a safe environment for all ENGAGE participants and in accordance with the updated ABSC policy for events involving minors, we are asking each church to assume responsibility for screening all volunteers from the church by adhering to the following guidelines:
- No individual registrations online. Registration on the website is for church groups only and must be completed by the designated adult leader.
- When you are ready to register, click the link below.
- Fill out all church and group leader information.
- Give a total number of students and total number of adult participants.
- Submit your group registration online.
If you are the group leader and you are ready to register your group, click the following link: