Women’s Ministry: 5 Keys to Effective Growth
Arkansas Baptists Women’s Ministry developed a set of resources specifically for training and equipping women who serve in local churches across the state. The resources introduce five basic keys to establishing an effective plan for ministering to women, then builds upon this foundation with varying levels of growth. The keys are Worship, Grow, Connect, Serve, and Share. These keys not only provide a guide for planning, they also provide an evaluative tool in the planning process. A fully developed ministry plan should incorporate all five keys and challenge women in the local church to take part in all of them.
Our goal as women who lead in the local church is to help train, equip, disciple, encourage, and cultivate women who are thriving in their relationship with God, with family, with friends, within the church, and spreading into their communities and world. It is the hope of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention that this resource will serve as a helpful tool in establishing and growing a ministry to women that challenges women to carry out the Great Commission. Our greatest calling as women who lead in the local church is to love Christ as we lead others to know Christ, to follow His commands, and to share the good news with a world who desperately needs to know His love and grace.