

Tuesday Evening Session—LiveStream

Join us Tuesday evening, November 7th at 6 PM for a live stream of the evening session of the Annual Meeting.

UPGs in Arkansas [VIDEO]

The world has come to Arkansas! Help Arkansas Baptists discover and engage unreached and unengaged people groups across the state.

VBS Prayer Strategy Ideas

These prayer ideas were designed with Galactic Starveyors in mind. However, they can be easily adapted for other resources and events.

Video Reports | 2020

Hear from each of the ABSC Teams, Agencies and Institutions as well as our SBC ministry partners for a report of their recent ministry work!

Videos — Dixie Jackson

Click to view the 2021 Dixie Jackson videos

Volunteer Background Check Authorization Form

Good guys don't always wear superhero capes, and bad guys don't always have shifty eyes and devious-sounding chuckles. In real life, discerning the heroes from the villains often requires more than a visual assessment. That means you can't know whether someone is "good" or "bad" by looking at them when they walk through the front door of your church and volunteer to serve.

WMU Magazine Subscriptions

Magazine subscriptions and leader resources for all of our organizations are handled through national Woman's Missionary Union®. You may order...

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