

WMU Magazine Subscriptions

Magazine subscriptions and leader resources for all of our organizations are handled through national Woman's Missionary Union®. You may order...

Walter Stickland–Lead Defend 2017

Watch Walter Strickland's message from Lead Defend 2017

Ways to Use Bible Flashcards With Children

Ways to utilize Bible Flashcards as a learning tool for children

What do you think about your Pastor? — Video

We asked several kids just what they thought about their pastor! Their answers may surprise you!

What is Intentional Interim Ministry?

Five tasks have been identified that should be addressed by churches in an interim period. These "focus points" continue to prove to be the vital areas that must be addressed in a successful IIM.

Who's Your One Prayer Service

A Who's Your One Prayer Service guide you can use at your church

Who's Your One Resources

Use these Who's Your One resources for your church

Who's Your One Sunday School Guide

A Who's Your One Sunday School Guide you can use for your church
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