

The Search Is On - Finding and Calling a Pastor

This is a great resource for churches without a pastor. This document will guide you on your journey to finding a new pastor.

The Search Is On—Finding & Calling a Pastor—Forms

This download contains five important forms contained in "The Search Is On—Finding & Calling a Pastor," including: ...

The Simple Christmas Invitation

If you need a simple Christmas invitation to invite guests to your worship service, check out these documents! 

The Value of the Cooperative Program [Video]

The church is tasked to make disciples of all the nations of the earth. No Church can do this alone. By doing missions cooperatively, we can increase our efforts and make bigger impact, together.

The World Around Us

Learn how to reach your international neighbors from 12 different cultures.

The World is coming to Arkansas-CP Screen

Infographics that illustrates people groups & international students across Arkansas!

Tips for Treasurers

Short video resources for church treasurers & finance teams!

Titus 2 Discipleship Strategy

Arkansas has around 1300 churches without vocational student pastors. To reach students, what if churches created a plan, built on small groups, that allowed for older generations to interact with younger generations with the purpose of creating a more cohesive church? What if the church family was strengthened by doing discipleship, missions, fellowship, and evangelism across age groups?

Together | CP Share

The COVID-19 global pandemic has become a platform for displaying the full power of the Cooperative Program as Southern Baptists live out the mission of God.

Tuesday Evening Session—LiveStream

Join us Tuesday evening, November 7th at 6 PM for a live stream of the evening session of the Annual Meeting.
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