
Becoming a 2024 ABSC Messenger

If you plan to attend the Annual Meeting of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention (ABSC), you must be an official messenger if you would like to participate in the business sessions. Anyone is welcome to attend the Annual Meeting as a guest but only messengers will be able to vote, make motions or speak to certain matters.  

Each ABSC church is allowed a certain number of messengers based on their total membership as reported in the Annual Church Profile (ACP). Additionally, each church must approve the messengers they choose to send to the meeting according to their process. Once messengers have been determined, the messenger(s) may be pre-registered by the church clerk or pastor using the church’s ACP login credentials and following the steps below.  

  1. Log in to using your church’s username/password that is included on the 2024 Annual Church Profile. 

  1. Along with the “survey” box there will be a box that says, “Active Conventions,” click on “Register for 2024 Convention.” 

  1. The next screen will show how many messengers your church is allowed based on the total membership that was reported on the 2023 Annual Church Profile. 

  1. Click on the green “Continue to Pre-Register” box at the bottom of the page. 

  1. Follow the instructions in the blue box to register each messenger.  Print the messenger cards and give to each messenger to bring to the annual meeting or send in an email to their smartphone.   

Once this is completed, messengers will be ready to attend the ABSC Annual Meeting at Geyer Springs First Baptist Church on October 22 or 23. Upon arrival, messengers will need to visit the registration table to complete the registration process. Pre-registered messengers will need to have a printed or digital copy of their messenger card with the barcode visible to complete the check-in process. At this time, messengers will receive a program, book of reports and their voting ballots.  

It is important to note that if a messenger plans to attend the annual meeting but does not pre-register, they will have to meet with the credentials committee upon arrival to register and verify their messenger status. Pre-registering will help to ensure a quick and simple check-in process.  

If you have any questions or need help pre-registering a messenger, please call 1-800-838-2272 or 501-376-4791.