Spring Outreach Strategy

The Spring Outreach Strategy is a comprehensive initiative designed to help churches engage their communities and share the hope of the Gospel during key moments in the spring season. We’re focusing on four impactful components that will equip your church to make a difference.

As you view the four components below, click on each hyperlink to find additional resources. If you have questions or need additional materials, please don't hesitate to reach out to us for help.

While it is not required, we are encouraging all churches who are joining in on this strategy to register so that we can help provide you with the most up-to-date resources! 

The 4 Components of Spring Outreach Strategy

3161. 3:16 on 3-16 

On March 16, we invite you to share the powerful message of John 3:16 with others. Pastors are encouraged to preach on John 3:16 to share the hope found in what is likely the most well-known Bible verse even among those who do not know Jesus. March 16 can be the launch of the Spring Outreach Strategy in a local church, creating a culture of inviting, serving, and sharing the Gospel across communities and our state.

onedayservelocal2. Serve Local 

Over the past 4 years, over 8,500 Arkansas Baptists have mobilized to serve their local communities on one specific date. For the Spring Outreach Strategy, churches are encouraged to select a day, or multiple days, during April 12-19 to serve their communities, meeting practical needs and strategically sharing the Gospel. 


bigday3. Big Day 

A key part of the ministries performed at Serve Local includes an invitation to Big Day. “Big Days” are recurring cultural moments in the year that can be used to invite people to church, including Easter. For the Spring Outreach Strategy, Big Day is April 20, which is Easter, a natural high attendance Sunday. Available resources will help churches prepare for the Big Day through guest readiness, evangelistic preaching, follow up, and more.

statewidebaptismsundayarkansas4. Statewide Baptism Sunday 

Churches are invited to mark April 27, 2025, the Sunday after Easter, as a day of celebrating decisions made through Serve Local and Big Day.



Stay Informed and Register Your Church Today!

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be part of this statewide movement. Register your church now to receive updates, resources, and exclusive materials to help you engage with the Spring Outreach Strategy.  Register Here!