Music & Worship
The purpose of worship is to glorify, honor, exalt, and please God. It is our desire to partner with local churches and associations to encourage, equip and strengthen churches toward healthy worship practices. We desire for every church and every individual to experience biblical, God-honoring worship that provides worshipers opportunity for transformation and inspiration to fulfill God’s purposes in their lives.
We offer guidance to music ministers, pastors and lay leaders to help churches stake their identity, discern how to grow in authentic worship, and assist in worship style transition. We seek to accomplish this through one-on-one consultations, specified training to local churches and training opportunities on the associational and state level.
Enrichment opportunities include Worship Leader Roundtables, the Arkansas Master’Singers, PraiseWorks and JoyWorks (summer worship arts camps for students and for children), PraizFest (an annual student choir weekend), Mosaic (a training event for all areas of music and worship ministry), and the annual State Handbell Festival.