Men's Missions
Statistics show that men are falling short in their roles as spiritual leaders. Many men do not attend church. Those that do attend often do nothing to reach the lost, to serve, to be discipled or to disciple others. The thought processes and methods used to reach men are often outdated and ineffective. The need is great. The challenge is daunting. The numbers of lost and hurting men/boys is staggering. The job is difficult. The mission is critical.
The purpose of men’s missions is to assist Arkansas Baptists in reaching and serving the men and boys in our churches, cities and our state. This includes the churched, the un-churched, the believers and those who are lost. Our primary function is to help equip and empower men and boys to be on mission every day of their lives. This process involves strategic planning, evangelism, discipleship, training, affecting change in the culture and much more.
We want to help you accomplish this task through:
- Missions discipleship modeling.
- Challenge to change the culture – (to help men and boys think and respond differently).
- Provide and promote opportunities for disciple making, evangelism, partnership and mission skill development.
- Training and introduction to Missions Discipleship resources.