International People Groups in Arkansas
Adopt "for prayer" an international group living in Arkansas!
Recent estimates show that there are over 130 different people groups represented in Arkansas, with as many as half of them considered unreached or unengaged with the gospel. As increasing numbers of international people groups come to study and work in Arkansas, we have the opportunity to fulfill Acts 1:8 by sharing the gospel with them here and equipping them to do the same with friends and family in their home countries. Because international missions is crucial both overseas and right here at home, our office desires to help your church discover people groups in your local context, encounter them in meaningful relationships, and engage them with reproducible discipleship strategies.
Everyone can be involved through prayer, discovery, and engagement in day-to-day life. As you encounter people from different nations in places like ethnic restaurants and grocery stores, or even in local neighborhoods, please take a moment to share with us by adding these points of interest by using the link below.
Add a Point of Interest for an international people group in Arkansas.