Building & Space Analysis
"If you build it, they will come."
(from the movie, Field of Dreams)
The above quote is quite memorable, but it should be noted does NOT apply to church facilities. There was a time where the physical church building was the hub of a community and a place to go for help in all forms. In fact, many times the presence and appearance of a church building is the first “witness” to a local community. Nowadays, how that building is used can often determine the reputation and impact that congregation has in the community.
It has been said that a church facility will not make a church grow, but it can keep a church from growing. Church buildings are tools to accomplish the task of impacting a community for the cause of Christ; and just like different jobs require different tools, different kinds of churches require different kinds of facilities - both on and off the main campus. The Arkansas Baptist State Convention is available to assist Arkansas Baptist churches in assessing your ministry needs, evaluating existing and potential facilities, and helping you strategize to best utilize all of your "spaces" to address the vision and mission of your local church to reach its community.