Bible Drill

Bible Drill is a discipleship tool for teaching children and youth God’s Word. Children and students can develop strong scripture memory skills while learning the books of the Bible and key biblical passages. The program is designed to allow your children and youth to enjoy learning the Bible in the midst of low-pressure competition.  

Bible Drill is made up of three cycles of verses and key passages that rotate over a three-year period. This is the schedule: 2024-25 Blue Cycle, 2025-26 Green Cycle and 2026-27 Red Cycle.

Bible Drill competition is broken into three age categories: Children’s Drill (4th-6th grade), Youth Drill (7th-9th grade), and High School (10th-12th grade). Younger children can learn the Bible content and compete in the church drill, but only participants 4th grade and up are eligible to compete in the regional and state drills.

Lifeway publishes Bible Skills, Drills, and Thrills, which is the official Bible Drill curriculum. It is available in the three separate cycles that correspond with the current Bible Drill cycle. There is a 1st-3rd grade version and a 4th-6th grade version. The curriculum uses games, bible lessons, and interactive activities to encourage Scripture memory and application.

Bible Drill cards are a necessity, and they are available by ordering from our office at no charge to ABSC affliated churches. This ministry is provided by Cooperative Program gifts. Lifeway also sells Children’s Drill cards, but not youth or high school cards. 

ORDER 2025 Blue Cycle Bible Drill Cards & Informational Packet

Drill Competitions 

Churches are encouraged to participate in regional and state drill competitions to encourage students by observing others from around the state who have been working hard to learn God’s Word. The regional drills are held two or three weeks prior to the state drill. Any church planning to encourage eligible participants to compete in a regional drill should hold their church drill NO LATER than one week prior to the regional drill they will attend. Churches also need to submit their Church Roster Form following their church drill one week prior to the regional drill they plan to attend.  

2025 Regional/State Dates:
(Regionals is regional/state competition for children)

  • Central North Regional: Sunday, April 6 | 6:00 PM | Temple Baptist Church, Searcy
  • Central South Regional: Wednesday, April 9 | 4-6 PM | FBC Hot Springs
  • Northeast/East Regional: Thursday, April 3 | 6:30 PM | Walcott Baptist Church
  • Northwest Regional: Sunday, April 6 | 3-5 PM | FBC Pea Ridge
  • South Regional: Saturay, April 5 | 11 AM | FBC Strong
  • Southwest Regional: Saturday, March 29 | 5:30 PM | FBC Nashville
  • West Regional: Sunday, April 6 | 2:30 PM | FBC Mena
  • STATE Bible Drill: Saturday, April 12 | Calvary Baptist Church | Little Rock (Youth & High School only)

Register for Regionals (Church Roster Form 2025)