
Disaster Relief Training in Jonesboro, AR

Disaster Relief Training in Jonesboro, AR

Arkansas Baptists care about people. This is the reason we pray, give, and go. Sometimes the need is flood remediation, removal of tree limb debris, or a hot meal to get through another long day of trying to bravely put life back together again. Always, Arkansas Baptist Disaster Relief volunteers go to share the love and hope of Jesus Christ. Arkansas Baptist Disaster Relief volunteers are trained and credentialed, often provided immediate access into areas of crisis where we can meet people at their points of need. 

You, too, can become a trained, credentialed Disaster Relief volunteer by attending regional training. Please prayerfully consider if Disaster Relief is a ministry in which the Lord is calling you to serve. 

This training will be on March 15th at Nettleton Baptist Church in Jonesboro starting at 8:00. You can REGISTER HERE.  



How to Volunteer:  

1. Attend a Training Event 

To become a trained, credentialed Arkansas Baptist Disaster Relief volunteer, you must first attend one of our regional training events. We typically host four trainings each year, one for every region of the state. to register and see upcoming 2025 training events CLICK HERE.  

You must be 18 years old and a member of a Southern Baptist church in order to volunteer. For new volunteers, we also require a background check. 

2. Choose Your Discipline 

Each training event provides an overview of Disaster Relief policies and covers all volunteer disciplines, including Incident Command, chainsaw, chaplaincy, feeding, flood recovery, shower/laundry, and mud-out. You can cross-train in more than one discipline, but you may only train for one discipline at each training event. 

3. Standby 

Once you receive your credentials in a discipline, you are assigned to a local unit in your area. Your Unit Leader (also known as a Blue Cap) then communicates with your team about deployment opportunities. You are ready to respond!