Understanding and Responding to Complex Trauma - Loving and Caring for People from Hard Places

This workshop on understanding and responding to complex trauma will help participants love and care for people having experienced difficult situations. This event will be led by Gretchen Smeltzer. She and her husband, Jon Smeltzer, planted Summit Bible Church in Summit, AR. She is also the founder and director of Into the Light (www.intothelightus.org), which provides services designed to foster trauma-informed, long-term relationships with children whose lives have been impacted by the trauma of the sex industry in Arkansas. This workship is beneficial for those seeking to minister among those affected by trafficking, as well as anyone who has experienced any kind of trauma in their life.
When: Friday, October 4, 10 am to 1 pm
Where: Arkansas Baptist State Convention, 10 Remington Drive, Little Rock, AR 72204
Cost: $10 (inludes lunch)
Register here
This event is being hosted by the ABSC Church Planting Team / Send Network Arkansas, and is made possible by churches supporting the Cooperative Program.