
2024 Seminary Alumni Lunches

2024 Seminary Alumni Lunches

Graduates of Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary are invited to a lunch hosted by their respective alumni associations on Tuesday, October 22 at the Annual Meeting of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention. Lunch will be held on location at Geyer Springs First Baptist Church immediately following the morning session. Blue House will be served to include chicken enchiladas, spanish rice, chips & salsa, sweet/unsweet tea and water.  Reservations are required and the deadline to register is October 8. Please register below.

Questions regarding the program should be directed to the alumni representative of your respective school. 

Please select which lunch you will be attending below and use the link to register:

Room: B234
Register Here!

New Orleans
Room: B232 
Register Here!

Room: B236
Register Here!