2024 Lottie Moon Week of Prayer for International Missions

The International Mission Board of the SBC reports over 2.8 billion people who have little or no access to the Gospel. Your prayers and gifts to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering are a tremendous support and blessing in getting His Message out to the nations. Our Lottie Moon national goal for 2024 is $205 million.
2024 IMB Lottie Moon Main Page
2024 Lottie Moon Resources (PPT Slides, Videos, Kids Activities, Bulletin Inserts, Graphics and more)
2024 Week of Prayer Stories, Days 1-8
Lottie's Story
Thank you for encouraging your church to give to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Every penny given to this offering is used to support Southern Baptist missionaries as they share the hope and grace we have in Jesus Christ. Southern Baptists have been a world leader in sending and supporting missionaries who are sharing the Gospel. But we know the need for more workers and the funds to sustain them on the field is an enormous task, and we must be involved more now than ever. Thank you, also, for praying for our missionaries, showing the videos to your church family, and allowing missions to be personal.
Your church will receive materials for you to use in leading your church to observe the Week of Prayer for International Missions (December 1 - December 8, 2024) and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering by early November. The quantities you receive are based on your church’s reported worship attendance. If you need additional materials, please contact the Missions Team at 501-376-4791, ext. 5137 or 800.838.2272, ext. 5137. We will be glad to provide what you need.