Our Vision: Establish a multiplying community of disciples to reach Northwest Arkansas and the nations. 
Our Mission: Developing fully devoted followers of Christ one home at a time. 

When God does a work in you, He is often preparing to do a work through you. In our home, God has cultivated a conviction for family discipleship and community. When God imparted His vision for mankind, it was intended to be fulfilled through the family. Simultaneously, in community, we are God’s sons and daughters that constitute His family, a family He has commissioned as gospel witnesses to a lost and broken world. As God began to draw our hearts, we began to see an area of  Arkansas that is primed for the harvest that we believe will occur through a focus on family and community. We pray you will catch an urgent vision for the furtherance of God’s church planting movement through The Oaks Church in Northwest Arkansas.

Why Northwest Arkansas?

  • Projected NWA population increase of 500k
  • New residents looking for new community
  • A discrepancy in churches to population
  • Culture centers of culture influencers
  • Lots of young families and young adults
  • Positioned to impact other communities

Prayer Requests:

  • Core Team Members: We are praying for God to move in the hearts of a few families to join us on mission to reach our community. The power and beauty of a gospel community is compelling and transformative. 
  • Gospel Conversations: As we build relationships with our neighbors and others in our community we are praying for natural opportunities to engage those in our path with the gospel. Whether for salvation or sanctification we desire to steward well the gospel opportunities the Lord leads us into. 
  • Favor in the Community: Just as we read in Acts 2:47, we are asking the Lord to give us favor with the people in our community and to establish a good reputation in order to garner trust with the lost. 

Partnership Opportunities:

  • Join our prayer team @ www.theoaksnwa.com/prayerteam
  • Financially support the mission @ www.theoaksnwa.com/give
  • Introduce us to friends and family in NWA whom we could invite to join us on mission. 
  • Help with prayer walks, kids camps, helping with Sunday morning gatherings, and more. 

Feeling led to partner in prayer? Download this Planter's Prayer Card!


  • Category: Current Church Plants
  • Address: Cave Springs, AR 72718
  • Leader: Chris DuBose
  • Phone: 615.947.6544
  • Website: https://www.theoaksnwa.com/

Contact Church Plant Leader