Worship: Tuning Hearts and Minds to God

By Andrea Lennon, Evangelism and Church Health Team
From the beginning of our day till the end, we are called to worship. The Bible says, “Exalt the Lord our God and worship at his footstool; he is holy.” (Psalm 99:5, New International Version) The holiness of God should permeate the way we live as well as the way we lead. To be holy means to be set apart and spiritually pure. When we focus on God, meaning that we wake up each day and tune our
hearts and minds to Him and His ways, we encounter His holiness. This encounter helps us see God in His greatness and goodness. It also helps us see ourselves in our sinfulness and neediness.
Worship paves the way for our focus, values, perspectives, priorities, and outlooks to change. This change helps us value and embrace the eternal things of God over the temporary things of man.
An example of worship changing the direction of an individual’s life took place in Isaiah 6. Isaiah was in the presence of God and immediately knew his sinfulness. He said, “Woe to me! I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips and I live among a people of unclean lips and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty,” (Isaiah 6:5). God cleansed Isaiah of his sin, and Isaiah’s response was profound. He said, “Here am I, send me,” (Isaiah 6:8).
For just a moment, imagine the women in your church saying, “Here am I, send me!” Of course in today’s world it would sound a little different. It might sound like this: “I am willing to help!” “I want to share my faith!” “I want to show others the love of Jesus!” “I want to bake a cake or decorate a table!” What if responses like these became the norm at your church?
All women’s ministry leaders want to lead ministries full of women producing spiritual fruit. We long to see women who recognize their need for God and as a result display a desperate dependence upon Him.
How can it happen? Isn’t that the million dollar question? Thankfully, God’s Word provides everything we need for life and godliness. God’s Word teaches about the importance of slowing down, taking a deep breath, and focusing on God. In one word, God’s Word teaches us to worship. This focus allows our hearts and minds to be tuned to God and His will for our lives.
It is easy for women’s ministries to become more about activity than worship. This is a dangerous trap. If leaders are not careful, we can give women more things to do instead of providing an avenue for women to connect with God. When women connect with God, they hear from Him and know the things that they are called to do.
Worship should be at the foundation of your women’s ministry. When we worship, we focus on God. When we focus on God, we hear from Him. When we hear from Him, we have the chance to live in obedience. When we live in obedience, we demonstrate a thriving life in Christ that is full of meaning and purpose.
In order for worship to occur in and through your women’s ministry, you need to make sure that the atmosphere of your ministry and events have the following three attributes:
• Genuine: Women need to experience the genuine love of Jesus as well as the genuine
love of others. This love should be heartfelt and real.
• Relational: Women need to know there is a place for them to belong. They need to know God has a
plan for their lives and you want to help them connect with God in a meaningful way.
• Consistent: Women need to know they can trust Jesus as well as count on you.
Here are a few practical ways to implement worship in your women’s ministry:
• Provide meaningful times of praise and prayer during women’s ministry event.
• Encourage women to incorporate praise and prayer in to their daily routine.
• Host a night of worship. Enlist a praise team and a prayer team. Let the women know you want them
to slow down, take a deep breath, and worship at the feet of Jesus.
• Make prayer a meaningful part of your ministry. Provide an avenue for women to share prayer
requests and praises with one another.
Maybe you have never considered worship to be a vital part of women’s ministry. It is easy to think of worship in the context of music alone. Worship really is a lifestyle. It is understanding that we need our hearts and minds to be tuned to God. When this occurs, our lives as well as our ministries are positioned to honor God in every way.
For help in equipping and engaging women in your church and community, contact Andrea Lennon at alennon@absc.org.