When Life Is Busy

By Andrea Lennon, Evangelism and Church Health Team
If you have served in ministry very long, you know that some seasons in ministry are busier than others. I just finished this type of season. Let me tell you--- it was hard, and at times I felt overwhelmed. I wonder if you can relate?
During my busy season, I had to focus on the task in front of me. As I walked through my busy season, I read a verse of scripture that spoke directly to me. The verse gave me hope, direction, and determination. I pray that it will encourage you, too!
"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. (Psalm 118:1, NIV)
During the busy seasons of ministry we need to remember the eternal love of God. One temptation during busyness is to function with tunnel vision. Tunnel vision occurs when we only think about what we have to accomplish during our day. This can easily cause us to feel overwhelmed as we look at a long "to do" list and think, "There is no way!”
Daily we need to focus on the truth that God's love endures forever. This means that God's love has no end! Thankfully this is not true when it comes to our "to do" list. This world and our "to do" list are passing away. There is a clear end in sight.
On busy days we can see our "to do" list as a burden or as an opportunity. If we see it as a burden, then we simply try to survive by tackling each item on the list. Often we use our own strength to try and accomplish these tasks. If we see our "to do" list as an opportunity, then we surrender to God and know that He will give us the wisdom, strength, and resources that we need to thrive during our busy day.
I will be the first to admit that I failed this test more than once during the last six weeks of my life. We fail this test when we forget that God is the owner and creator of our day! He is in charge, and our purpose in life does not come from completing our "to do" list. Rather, our purpose comes from simply following Jesus, step-by-step.
I want to give you one word of caution. If you constantly find yourself in a busy season, you need to pull back and take an inventory of your life. I have found that we often use busyness to hide deeper issues that need to be healed by our loving Father. We add more and more things to our "to do" list, because we are trying to find purpose and meaning, or we are trying to avoid dealing with a hurt from the past. Busyness for a season of life is different than busyness as a way of life!
If you are in a busy season, let me encourage you to do two things. First, focus on the eternal love of God. This busy season will end! Stay focused on the things that truly matter. Second, celebrate the fact that God gives you exactly what you need. When you do, you will not only make it through the busy season, you will also grow in your love relationship with God.
Let me pray for you. ”Father, I thank you for Your eternal love. It is true that nothing can separate us from You! Please help us refocus on the things that really matter in life. Lord, help us see our busy seasons as an opportunity to trust You. We know that you are faithful to provide exactly what we need. Lord, grant us peace; give us direction; and fill our lives with Your love. We know that You are the ultimate source of our strength. Help us reflect You during every season of life, especially the busy ones. In Jesus' Name, Amen.”
Andrea Lennon serves as the Women’s Ministry Specialist at the Arkansas Baptist State Convention and can be contacted at alennon@absc.org. Andrea offers additional resources to help women grow in their faith at www.andrealennonministry.org