School Prayer Walking Guide

Start Right
Prayer-walking is vital to the success of school outreach. Prayer-walking is simply praying in the very places we expect God to bring the answers to our prayers.
Thank you for leading your congregation to prayer-walk your local school and plead with God to move in every room, office, and life.
1. Place prayer-walking date(s) on your church calendar. In an effort to make this a church-wide emphasis, ask those in your church not to schedule events that would compete with the prayer-walking schedule. You may wish to schedule alternate dates in case of inclement weather.
2. Create prayer walking routes. Provided a guided prayer sheet with points of interest and prayer requests. (See below for an example.)
3. Enlist prayer-walkers within your church. Encourage participation from the pulpit. Have a sign-up sheet or bulletin insert for people to commit to prayer walk on the scheduled date(s). Encourage members of all ages and life-stages to participate.
4. Organize prayer-walking teams. Teams should be small—two to four people. Individuals can choose to pray alone but consider any safety concerns.
5. Provide brief training to prepare participants for prayer-walking.
How to prayer-walk
- Walk slowly to allow time to pray for each request
- Pray out loud, taking turns among group members
- Keep your eyes open because visual reminders will spur on certain prayers
6. For those who physically cannot prayer-walk, invite them to prayer drive or gather at the church to write encouragement notes to teachers and staff.
How to prayer drive
- Enlist someone to drive a larger capacity vehicle
- Drive around the school, stopping to pray for items on a prayer guide
- Pray out loud, taking turns among group members
7. Considerations
- Contact the local police to let them know a group will be on school grounds
- Contact school administration to make them aware of your intentions
Below you will find examples of a Prayer-Walking Guide:
Stop one:
Pray for the many students who have never accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. (Romans 10:9)
Pray for Christians to have a holy boldness as they live and share the gospel with their peers. (Matthew 28:19)
Stop two:
Pray that the believers would walk in the Spirit.
“but I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.” Galatians 5:16 (NASB)
Pray that they will have a passion for God’s Word and that they will apply Biblical truth to all areas of their life.
Stop three:
Pray that students will find their significance from who they are in Christ. Pray that they will be more concerned with what Christ thinks of them than what others think of them.
Stop four:
Pray that students will admit their own sin, ask others for forgiveness, and repent.
Pray that students will have an attitude of brokenness and humility instead of pride. Pray they would be obedient to parents and teachers.
Stop five:
Pray that Christian teachers will have the eyes of Christ so that they might minister to their students.
Pray that God will give the administration and school board wisdom to make decisions according to His will.
Stop six:
Pray that students will learn to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. (2 Cor. 10:3-5)
Pray against the influence and deception of drugs, alcohol, ungodly music, and media. Pray that students would not allow social media to influence them in a negative way that could distract them from a deeper relationship with Christ.
Pray that students would use discernment when choosing their friends.
Stop seven:
Pray that our church will equip students to be campus missionaries and that we would minister to students, teachers, and administration.
Pray that we would not just be a cruise liner, entertaining guests to make them comfortable, but that we would get out of the boat and make disciples of all nations.