Prayer in Your Church: God Is Moving

God Is Moving in the Hearts of His People
By Greg Addison, former ABSC associate executive director
There has been an exciting prayer movement growing in Arkansas. It is both encouraging and exciting to see so many Christians begin to pray in a consistent way for revival and spiritual awakening. The movement in Arkansas has been led by our ABSC pastors. They have come together to pray and have then led their churches to pray.
This active prayer movement makes this a significant time. Having been raised in church, I have heard great and passionate sermons on praying for revival as long as I can remember. I have heard well-meaning Baptists say “amen” and affirm the principles in these messages. And yet, I have never seen a real prayer movement—until now.
Hundreds of Arkansas Baptist pastors have committed themselves to significant times of prayer in local and statewide gatherings. Pastors are leading their congregations to pray in creative ways like never before. It is stirring to see ABSC congregations following and praying as their pastors call them to prayer. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard an Arkansas Baptist tell me, "That is the first time I have ever been in a Sunday morning service that was devoted to prayer. I am so grateful our pastor led us to do this and I hope we do more!"
We must continue to stir the hearts of Arkansas Baptists to pray for spiritual awakening with commitment, passion, and intentionality. The roots of this movement are still fragile. It could wane just as easily as it can flourish. Pastors have stepped in to lead this movement, and the church must carry it.
Imagine the impact on a church when prayer moves from a line on the order of service to a time of committed prayer every Sunday.
We want to encourage pastors with practical ways they can lead intentionally in prayer. This is the first of a series of articles to encourage and equip pastors who are leading us as Arkansas Baptists to pray for revival and spiritual awakening. Please join us over the next few weeks as we look deeper into the lessons we can learn from pastors all around our state. We will highlight:
- creative ways ABSC pastors are intentional about prayer
- the impact of prayer by God's people
- lessons from ABSC pastors to strengthen their prayer lives as they lead their congregations to pray
Imagine the impact on a church when prayer moves from a line on the order of service to a time of committed prayer every Sunday. Imagine the culture that develops in your church when your congregation catches the experience of praying in a meaningful way. These things are happening all around us. Pastors have led this movement. Pastors will deepen this movement as they continue to lead their congregations to pray.
Be encouraged that God is moving the hearts of His people to pray! Be encouraged, pastor, that you are a part of something historic and profound. Be encouraged that there are lessons and examples we can share because we are all in this ministry together as cooperative partners. Be encouraged that Jesus has promised us that "if we seek we will find" and if "we ask it shall be given to us."
Read the next article in this series, 11 Creative Ideas for Committed Prayer.