
Church Health

Basic Small Group Space Principles

When churches seek to find off-campus locations for groups, many factors must also be considered.
March 2, 2016

Fishing for Men Part 3

If you wish to be effective in ministering to men, it is important to remember one simple truth: Men and women are different! They look, think and act differently. God gave them different roles. And this was no accident. God knew what He was doing. He planned it that way.
March 2, 2016

Fishing for Men Part 2

Remember Sam? He’s an average guy who lives in your community. He’s just like you in many ways, except Sam is lost and has no plans of ever entering the doors of your church.
February 24, 2016

Fishing for Men Part 1

I would like to introduce you to Sam. Sam is just a guy I made up, but you might recognize him anyway. You see, Sam could be any man in your community.
February 17, 2016
College + Young Leaders

Millennials: Authority OR Authenticity?

This generation wants leaders to inflame them to join something bigger than themselves–a movement, a cause–usually represented by a color.
February 10, 2016
Church Health

Maximizing Sunday School Through Team Leadership

Team leadership is effective and results in classes that stay on mission and leaders who are confident and excited about their role.
February 1, 2016

Who Doesn't Like a Good Story?

Bible storying is crafting stories that are biblically accurate for the purpose of sharing Jesus with anyone and everyone. Bible storying is...

January 25, 2016
College + Young Leaders

Engaging The Skeptical Culture

The man who wrote two online articles– “I Want to be a Zombie Ant” and “A Ray of Light: The Timeless Life of a Photon”– is also...

January 21, 2016

Ministering to Families and Children with Developmental Disabilities

Every child has the ability to learn about God’s love through our actions and expressions of love, no matter the special need
January 19, 2016
Church Health

How to Increase Evangelism in Sunday School

Since most churches already have Sunday School in place, consider the following ideas to use this existing time in a more intentionally evangelistic way.
January 11, 2016
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