
College + Young Leaders


Millennials is the term given to today’s young adult born somewhere in the early 80’s to the early 2000’s. They have also been called...

April 14, 2016
Church Health

Five Ways to Make VBS Intentionally Evangelistic

VBS accounts for at least one out of every four baptisms both nationally and in Arkansas. This does not happen by accident; it takes purpose and planning.
April 14, 2016
Church Health

Disciple-Making Is the Core of Sunday School

How can leaders keep disciple-making at the core of Sunday School? Consider these ideas.
March 30, 2016
Church Planting

Success, Faithfulness, or Fruitfulness?

What should be the standard metric in church planting? Success, faithfulness, or fruitfulness?
March 24, 2016
Executive + Administrative

Giving to the Harvest

Your giving to missions through the Cooperative Program is crucial to the harvest
March 17, 2016
Executive + Administrative

Prayer Walking Strategy

Prayer walking is critical component to church planting success
March 17, 2016
Executive + Administrative

Landing Believers

Arkansas Baptists are making a difference in one of America’s most unchurched areas through their service and the financial support of the Cooperative Program
March 17, 2016
Church Health

Your Group's Real Potential

Sunday School leaders have the opportunity and responsibility to see the future forest in a barren landscape. Here are ten seeds that can lead to great growth.
March 16, 2016
College + Young Leaders

What Makes or Breaks a Spring Break Mission Trip?

“You hear some students say to the other students, ‘Oh, Wow! You spent your time serving God. I spent mine at the beach.’ There’s something spiritual about knowing you have one week free from school, and you’re deciding to sacrifice free time to serve God.”
March 9, 2016

Fishing for Men Part 4

As you seek to engage men in missions and ministry, don’t forget about the young men in your church.
March 9, 2016
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