

Charles and Dee Simmons

One minute you think you've seen it all, then God does something to reassure you that He is at work and you just get to join Him in it.
August 8, 2021

Kids Ministry: Driving It Home

According to Barna nearly half of all Americans who accept Jesus Christ as their Savior do so before reaching the age of thirteen. If we are to reach the next generation, we must start early.
August 1, 2021

One Day that Changes Everything | Community Missions - DJ 2021

In 1997, Pedro Figueiredo was already making his mark in professional soccer in Brazil when Judson University offered him a scholarship to...

July 28, 2021

The Response After a Storm | Disaster Relief - DJ 2021

Randy Garrett’s first experience with disaster relief was in 2005 when Hurricane Katrina unleashed massive devastation across the...

July 28, 2021

A Blank Check | Church Planting - DJ 2021

Like many single-industry towns across the nation, Trumann, Arkansas, was once a prosperous destination. But when industry demands shifted...

July 28, 2021

Mike and Jennifer Brungardt

The calling keeps you, and seeing lives transformed by the Gospel motivates you.
July 25, 2021

Josh and Jill McCarty

There is just enough church culture left out here that traditional outreach methods could draw a crowd, but really only among existing believers.
July 18, 2021

Church in the Dirt

Moovin' folks from pasture to purpose isn't just a strategy, it is the DNA of who we are.
July 11, 2021

ABSC Disaster Relief

We offer CISM courses to help equip first responders with tools to minister to people who have suffered a critical incident or disaster.
July 4, 2021

Senior Adults YOUR TIME IS NOW!

A hand-addressed envelope arrived in my mailbox – a rarity, indeed – and I smiled as I tore it open.  The precise, cursive script penned a message, however, that dissolved my smile: “Thank you for asking me to be on the women’s team, but I just feel like it’s a job for a younger woman.”
June 30, 2021
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