

Global Hunger Sunday

Because of Southern Baptist generosity to the Global Hunger Relief fund, teams were able to distribute emergency food baskets with flour, oil, sugar and buckwheat to families on the brink of starvation.
October 10, 2021

Missions Team - Acts 1:8 Missions Experience

One Day Acts 1:8 Missions Experience provides an annual opportunity for Arkansas Baptists to impact lostness in a specific area of our state.
October 3, 2021
Executive + Administrative

Four Areas of Pastoral Health

Spiritual Health ...

October 1, 2021

Kellie and Joel

Our greatest joy is seeing Southeast Asian churches send out their own missionaries to plant churches among unreached people groups.
September 26, 2021

Church Planting

One of the best ways to fulfill the Great Commission is to raise up church planters who will enhance the church’s impact on the kingdom by planting new churches.
September 19, 2021

Community Missions

Imagine the Kingdom impact across our state if an opportunity existed for all ABSC churches to engage their communities in missions and evangelism on the exact same day. That opportunity is now a reality, and it’s called One Day: Serve Local.
September 12, 2021

Connection Church Longmont

When we put our 'yes' on the table, God put it on Longmont. And as we have driven down this road, it feels like all the Lights have been green.
September 5, 2021

Williams Baptist University

Williams Baptist University is looking to help students and their families lessen the burden of receiving an academically challenging and Christ-centered education through its Williams Works program.
August 29, 2021

Bud and Ginger

We see ourselves not as "Paul," but as the "Barnabas" who comes alongside and encourages those whom God is using to reach the ends of the earth.
August 22, 2021

Pranay and Allison Borde

I want to follow Jesus, but I have years of Hinduism to unlearn.
August 15, 2021
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