
By Andrea Lennon, Evangelism and Church Health Team
Life can be busy, hard, complicated, wonderful, fun, rewarding, stressful, exciting, and predictable... all at the same time! This reality can leave us feeling downright overwhelmed. I don't know about you but feeling overwhelmed is NOT on my list of favorite things.
When I feel overwhelmed, I tend to focus on all my roles and responsibilities. I have to go here, and I have to do that! My never ending "to do" list becomes both my enemy and my friend.
I focus on my list and try to conquer it often in my strength, with my resources, and based on my experiences. Unfortunately, this solution only compounds my feelings of being overwhelmed because it makes me believe I must have all the answers and provide all the things. I instantly look at myself and see all the ways that I don't measure up to the standard I set for myself or believe others set for me.
One morning, not too long ago, I was undone because I was overwhelmed by life. I stopped everything and started to pray. I asked God to clear my mind and help me focus on Him. I jumped on my Bible app and searched for the word "overwhelmed" as recorded in the Bible. I was blown away by the passages!
God overwhelmed the Egyptians with the waters of the Red Sea. The Queen of Sheba was overwhelmed by the wisdom of Solomon. David said all his enemies would be overwhelmed with shame and anguish. Evildoers are overwhelmed with dread because God is present in the company of the righteous. When overwhelmed with sin, God forgave the transgressions of men. Jesus was overwhelmed with sorrow as He headed to the cross, so He prayed to the Father.
I thought about these passages and realized that sometimes it is good to be overwhelmed, especially when we are overwhelmed by the presence and provision of God. So, here is my take away from my recent experience. I need to stop being overwhelmed by my circumstances, and I need to start being overwhelmed by my God.
How can this happen? It happens when we focus on Him. As we do, we learn about His character and how He longs to work in and through our lives. This focus protects us from the belief that we have to be all things to all people. John chapter 15 becomes our norm as we abide in Jesus and as His Word abides in us. The outcome will be a life overwhelmed by the goodness and grace of God as we produce fruit that brings glory to the Father.
Do you need a few overwhelming truths to hang on to during your day? If so, here is my top ten list!
10 Overwhelming Truths from the Bible
- God is love and He loves you! (1 John 4:7-10)
- God has a plan for your life! (Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 12:2)
- God is bigger than your sin: past, present, and future! (Psalm 65:3)
- God is willing and able to forgive you! (1 John 1:9)
- God sent Jesus to die on the cross and provides eternal life for you! (Romans 5:8, Romans 6:23, Romans 10:9)
- God is willing and able to lead your life! (Exodus 15:13, Jeremiah 33:2-3))
- God will never leave you or forsake you! (Hebrews 13:5-6, Philippians 4:5)
- God gave you the Bible so you can know how to live! (Psalm 119, Romans 15:4)
- God empowers you through the work of the Holy Spirit. His power lives inside of you! (Romans 15:13)
- God offers you a life full of purpose and meaning. You are more than a conquerer in Jesus Christ! (John 10:10, Romans 8:31-37)
Andrea Lennon serves as the Women’s Ministry Specialist at the Arkansas Baptist State Convention and can be contacted at alennon@absc.org. Andrea offers additional resources to help women grow in their faith at www.andrealennonministry.org