Outreach in Student Ministry

- Communicate, to the students, the need for evangelism
Train your students to share their faith
- Share Jesus without Fear (by William Faye; http://www.sharejesuswithoutfear.com/)
- Friendship Evangelism Challenge (by Doug Fields; Purpose Driven Youth Ministry)
- Or any other method of training
Ready your students and parents of students for the interactions with lost teens
- Whether it will take place in the context of the church or in another context
- Preach it
- Model it
- Keep the focus on the Great Commission
Choose the method of outreach (i.e. Come and See events, Go and Tell Events, Van Ministry, a Relational Evangelism method, etc.)
- In doing so, know your target audience
- Which method will best reach them?
Promote the event
- To your students and parents at the church
To the community
Consider tools like
- Flyers in the schools
- Social media
- Mail outs
- Newspapers
- Tv
- Radio
- Posters in public places
Consider tools like
Place students in situations to engage the lost
- No matter the event type or the evangelism method, have your teens engage the lost
Encourage to give courage
- Be the biggest cheerleader
- Allow your teens to do what you trained them to do
Place students in situations to engage the lost
Get information on all touches made with the lost
- Use registrations cards for "Come and See" events or bus ministry
- Use decision cards for relational evangelism
- Somehow get information in an organized professional manner
Follow up with the information
- Have a follow up team trained and ready before the event ever takes place
Begin following up within a day of the event
- Phone calls
- Emails
- Face-to-face
- Postcards
Do not settle for just contacting the name on the card
- Make an effort to reach the parents, siblings, and any one else in the home
- Have materials and information about various ministries within your church ready to give away
Get information on all touches made with the lost
Tell your teens in service and your church in a Sunday service about the victories for the Kingdom
- Salvations
- Recommitments
- Just the fact that X number of teenagers shared their faith
Celebrate those victories as a ministry and church
- Let it lead to praising God
Tell your teens in service and your church in a Sunday service about the victories for the Kingdom
Ideas for Events
Come and See
- Superbowl Party
- New Years Eve Party
- Theme Night on a Wednesday Night
- Coffee Shop Night
- Old Fashioned Crusade
- 5th Quarter
- Dodgeball tournament or any other type of tournament
- Any wild and crazy idea that can draw teens but leads to a Gospel presentation and allows for teens to interact with lost students and present the Gospel
Go and Tell
- Mission Trip (anywhere from local to foreign)
- Block Party (Parking Lot Party for a modern name)
- Tailgating before a big game
- 5th Quarter on school campus
- Concert in a special venue
- Going to a public place and sharing the Gospel
- Anything that takes your teens out of the church and engages lost people in their own context