
How to be a Girl in Ministry – Andrea Lennon

October 17, 2024

If you are freaking out because you are a girl and sensing a call to ministry, let me assure that you can be a girl in ministry!

God called me to vocational ministry when I was 16 years old and then again when I was 18 years old and then again when I was 25 years old. Yes, I was the girl who ran from her calling. I ran for so many reasons. First, I thought that ministry was for guys; so I never understood what my role could look like in the local church or in other ministry settings. Second, I wanted to be in control of my life. I wanted to call the shots and stay in the safe and comfortable places where I had a plan and God blessed it.

I look back now and I am so thankful for the grace of God. He kept pursuing me and showing me His plan for my life. I finally surrendered to my call to ministry and 16 years later, I am so glad that I did! I’ve learned a lot during this time…. especially about how to be a girl in ministry. Here are a few of the lessons that God has graciously written on my heart.

Just Obey. Often times we want to see the big picture of our calling. We want to know all of the details. I have discovered that God usually shows us the next step. One step at a time—-that is how we answer the call!

  1. Take on the role of a servant. There will be times when you are in the minority. The ministry world is made up of more guys than girls. Sometimes this can be a little overwhelming. When it happens, take on the role of a servant by asking Jesus to show you the place He has for you. Minister out of His love and with your eyes focused on Him.
  2. Set strong boundaries. From the very beginning, know the importance of strong boundaries with male coworkers. Invite accountability into your life. Also, learn how to keep confidential information confidential. You will know things and you will not be able to talk about them. Accept this part of ministry and ask God to give you wisdom with your words.
  3. Always trust the grace of God… always! Whether you are a guy or a girl, it’s good to remember that we serve the same redeeming God, and He has a good, pleasing, and perfect plan for all of us. God is faithful to show us where to go and what to do. We will make mistakes, but His grace is always enough. He loves you, and you can trust Him with your heart and life!

I can say without hesitation, I love serving in full-time ministry. I can’t imagine doing anything else! If God is calling you, don’t run! Ministry life is an exciting adventure. Take the next step of obedience and watch God make His plan clear to you!


Written by Andrea Lennon, Women’s Ministry Specialist with the Arkansas Baptist State Convention, Evangelism and Church Health Team