Evaluation- One Key to Success
Women’s Ministries often utilize events in order to gather women for times of Bible study, prayer, fellowship, ministry, and fun. Conferences, retreats, paint parties, movie nights, and service projects are just a few of the possibilities.
Lots and lots of planning goes into events like these. Just think about all of the steps required to host an event for the women in your church and community. Women’s ministry leaders brainstorm, promote, invite, and delegate every task. However, leaders often forget one important step. This step is so important that it can determine the overall effectiveness of your ministry program.
What is this all-important step? It is the step of evaluating the effectiveness of your event. To evaluate means to judge or determine the significance, worth, or quality of something. When we take the time to evaluate, we ask and answer the important questions that help us to learn from our mistakes as well as capitalize on our successes for the future.
After each event, it is important to gather the core leadership team and ask the following questions:
- What was the purpose of the event?
- Did the event fulfill its purpose?
- What spiritual fruit was produced as a result of the event?
- Should we offer the event again in the future?
- What will it take for the event to go to the next level?
Evaluation is not a hard process. In fact, evaluation is a fun process. When we evaluate we have the chance to see how God led us each step of the way. Evaluation helps us to stay on track with our overall ministry purpose. When you evaluate your event, do so in light of the overall direction of your church and women’s ministry purpose statement.
If you sense that your women’s ministry is stuck or simply “getting by” stop and evaluate. Find out what is working, and eliminate the things that are not working. Through the evaluation process, the Lord will graciously breathe new life into your ministry program. Do not settle for less than God’s best in your life or in the ministry that you lead! Ask and answer the tough questions. Be purposeful in all that you do. Lead well, and watch the Lord bless every step along the way.