CP Share Recap

“CP Share showed Arkansas Baptists how the Cooperative Program helped to fund missions in Arkansas, the U.S. and around the world in 2021."
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When Arkansas Baptists give to their local church, a portion of that gift can fund missions through the Cooperative Program (CP). In 2021, CP Share showed how churches enable missions in Arkansas and around the world. Individuals and ministries were impacted through the stewardship efforts of the Arkansas Baptist Foundation. And with your help, Arkansas Baptist Children’s Homes & Family Ministries were able to build, strengthen, and restore Arkansas families.
Your gifts in 2021 also played an important role in prison ministry, disaster relief efforts, community missions and church planting across Arkansas. The next generation was impacted through Camp Siloam, children and student ministries, and the efforts of Williams Baptist University and Ouachita Baptist University. And through the Cooperative Program, the North American Mission Board and the International Mission Board were able to move the Gospel forward across the United States and among the world’s most unreached people groups.
PRAYER POINTS: Pray for God to bless the ministries funded through the Cooperative Program, and for their impact in 2022. Pray also that God would lead and bless Arkansas Baptist churches as they faithfully give through the Cooperative Program.
When you give to your church, you give to missions through the Cooperative Program, bringing the Good News to the whole world. Find more CP resources at ABSC.org/CPShare.