
But what if I’m not enough?

October 17, 2024

Insecurities are a lie we choose to believe. They do not come from the Lord, but they stem from a lack of understanding our value in Him. The worst part about insecurities is how they prevent us from doing the ministry God has laid out for us. If you wrestle with self-image, a fear of abandonment or whatever the insecurity/fear is—God desires to use it for His glory. Our greatest insecurities are the very things the Lord wants to use to bring Him the greatest glory in our lives.

“As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. And his disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him.” -John 9:1-2

In John 9, we read of a man who was born blind. Due to his blindness, he could not do anything but sit on the side of the road as a beggar. I can assure you that his blindness was his greatest insecurity, and it was the very thing holding him back from living. His insecurity did not come from his sin or his parents, but it clearly came from an outside source. An insecurity can stem from sin, but it more often develops from a lie we have chosen to believe. Jesus says in verse two, however, this man’s greatest weakness had a purpose. It was part of His story and how God was faithful to Him. It was so the works of God himself could be displayed through him. Perhaps the biggest insecurity, weakness, or fear you have is what the Lord wants to deliver you from so the works of God can be displayed through you.

Later on, in the passage, the man was placed on trial due to the miracle taking place on a Sabbath. In his trial, he specifically says in verse 25, “One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see.”In its appropriate context, the Pharisees who put the man on trial accused Jesus to be a sinner, but the man responded with the truth about who Jesus is and what He did, thus he was thrown out of the town. The truth is, the world will not want you to overcome your insecurities or fears. They may offer worldly solutions, but nothing outside of a relationship with Christ will ever fully satisfy.

The Lord wants to use our insecurities for His glory. It might hurt along the way in the healing process, but insecurities should not hold us back. They are opportunities for God’s work to be displayed. As we approach ministry, there will be many moments of inadequacy and insecurity. But whom God calls, He equips. He loves to use our stories, especially the parts where we have experienced the most weakness. Those moments in our lives show how faithful He is and always will be. Allow the Lord to use you, even the depths of yourself you don’t seem to like, to bring Him glory!

Written by Kord Offenbacker