
broken but also hope

October 17, 2024

Stop for a moment. Think of one relationship you have had that was terribly ruined. Whether you think it was your fault or someone else’s, do you think it can be restored?

Relationships can be very fragile, and sometimes they’re easily broken. Most lost or broken relationships come from immaturity, pride and, above anything else, sin.

In James 4:1 it says, “What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you?” Being called into ministry, there are a few things that are good to know about broken/lost relationships:

  1. Even though relationships seem impossible to fix, most relationships can be restored. 

There are many examples of reconciliation in the Bible. For instance, Romans 5:10-11 says, “For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to Him through the death of His son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through His life! Not only is this so, but we also boast in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation.”

The grace that we received being reconciled to God, through Christ, is the same grace we should show others. If we think about all the wrong we’ve done to God, compared to the wrong others have done to us, its incomparable.

  1. We are called to live at peace with everyone. 

Romans 12:18 says,” If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.”

We attempt to reconcile because we are instructed to, and it is a priority. A majority of the time, when we don’t live at peace with others, it slows down and stunts our spiritual growth. We are called to show others Christ, meaning unconditional love and grace. When dealing with people, never forget your need for grace, as well.

  1. We must pray, humble ourselves, and forgive. 

Without these important elements, reconciliation is impossible. God is the glue that mends the relationship back together.

I can use my grandmother and I as the perfect example. Growing up, our relationship was terrible. I was young and prideful. She was older and stubborn. She raised me, and we never could see eye to eye. When I gave my life to Christ in college, it changed the foundation of our whole relationship. She is literally my best friend now. Our love for Christ is what we share, and it brings us so close together.

Reconciling broken or lost relationships can be so difficult—but it is possible! And when you’ve done all you can, leave it to God. Remember that people may run out of grace, but God won’t.