Ahmad and Tagel Muqtasid

“I want all of our ideas and strategies to be birthed out of our prayer life.”
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For Ahmad Muqtasid, there are so many emotions attached to planting New Generation Church in Maumelle, but he desires that his passion to do ministry and see fruit overflows from a sincere and disciplined prayer life. “Maumelle has my heart, because that’s where we live,” says Ahmad. “So, I want to see more healthy churches in the area.”
Ahmad was already on staff at New Generation Church in Conway when God began calling him to plant. In 2019, he was connected with The Summit Church in North Little Rock and soon joined their church planting residency. “I did not want to just go to another class, but through the residency I got so much more than I expected. I learned how to contextualize the mission and gained a clearer understanding of how God wanted me to plant.”
Ahmad and Tagel prayerfully enter lost places around the city in order to pursue Gospel conversations that eventually birth small groups. Ahmad says, “When your partners, like The Summit, join you in the harvest to share the Gospel, it reinforces that you’re on the right path.” A large part of their strategy has become apartment complexes, where over 90% of the population is unchurched. And after months of praying, they have been given an open door to begin hosting community events through which they can share the Gospel.
PRAYER POINTS: Let’s pray for God to send more laborers into the harvest to join Ahmad and Tagel and partner in the work. Let’s pray for New Generation Church of Maumelle to be persistent in prayer. And let’s pray for them to be patient in letting the Spirit guide them in the church’s next steps.
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